We have all the answers within us. We just need to start listening to ourselves, then be brave enough to act.
The best way I can explain it is, to feel the rise and fall of the body as you ask yourself the questions. Immediately the body says what it wants and almost as quickly the mind will tell you why not… That little bastard! The body gets excited when it is in alignment with what it desires, you should feel it in your whole body! The fall is when the mind chimes in with all the ways “that thing” is not possible, and is usually followed by worry or fear.
Remember the mind is for problem solving… these life questions are not problems in our lives, they are opportunities to grow!

Pull your roots out of the ground of habit and ordinary and go live the life that inspires you! Make that move, open that restaurant, ask that person out, play that instrument! Do the things that make you forget the minutes and live in the now. Find others who want to grow too and surround yourself with them! Like a life force for each other you will protect yourselves against the naysayers.
I find that as I am writing this blog, I am giving out the advice that I need most. I am telling my readers all the things that I need to hear myself and today I realized that I am really beginning to practice what I preach.
I feel like I am falling into a flow of listening to my heart, letting go of all things heavy, clearing out any unnecessary clutter and following myself! It feels amazing! Even though at the moment, I have slightly more than the usual amount of chaos that most of us have in our lives, I still feel pretty light-hearted and free!
Instead of trying to figure out what to do, I’m working on myself. I’ve been doing everything from meditating, reading things that inspire me, forming new authentic friendships and doing activities that expand me and help me grow. Whether its emotionally, physically or mentally, I am challenging myself everyday.
I’m trying to get in the habit of asking my body what I want to do next, instead of just doing what’s next out of habit. Habits are good for brushing your teeth and changing your underwear, not living your life! Expand yourself a little, step outside the norm, if even for a moment and remind yourself that you are alive!
By simply asking our bodies what they need, we will learn, that the body always knows best. We need to get back to feeling. Can you understand that most of us are numb? We are numb. From past pain, from grinding it out day-to-day in a job, relationship or addiction that suffocates us.
So we numb ourselves, with addictions, over eating, or staring blindly at the TV as it flicks commercials of all the things we need to complete us. Like fast cars, new shoes and fancy perfumes… You complete yourself, not things or people. They only enhance all that is already in you.
Don’t you want to feel again? Like we did when we were kids! When we didn’t realize how crazy our families were, or that we “needed” a big bank account. When we raced down the street on our bike and felt the wind in our hair and it sent chills down our spin because we felt like we were flying! When we stayed out late and woke up early because we didn’t want to miss one minute of life!
We can feel that way again!

It starts with you, listening to you. Not to me or anyone else. I am simply reminding you of what you already know and that is why it resonates with you… So are you ready to start being brave yet?!
Day 9 of 90 meditating.
Write back soon, love Annie

My favorite one thus far!
Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Xox
“Habits are good for brushing your teeth and changing your underwear, not living your life!” ❤️❤️ Can I get an AMEN!!
Lol AMEN!!! ????☺️