Who is Anniegrateful?

That is a funny question to ask because that is exactly what I am trying to figure out myself.  Who am I?  What is my purpose?  Am I my career?  Am I where I came from or where I am going? I don’t know…  I can give you all those labels about me but none of them are the essence of who I really am.

I am in the space of finding out the truths about myself through the expression of writing and meditating.  I know that there is something inside of me… a purpose that is dying to come out.  I am going to use this blog to peel back all the layers that are not me, expose myself to find the real me.

Perhaps in the process I can help you find yourself too. I believe that there is a reason why we are all here and it is to help each other along the way.  There is a unique gift inside of each of us and I am going to find out what mine is.  I hope you will join me on this journey to self that I am embarking upon, with hopes that together we can grow into our greatest selves.