How You can Take a Busy Moment in Your Day and Transform it into Bliss.

The mind has a funny way of always distracting us. Constantly searching for things to keep us busy.

There will always be busy work waiting for us but today, perhaps we will look for some space to just be here in the moment and enjoy it. Taking a few deep breaths, closing our eyes and finding acceptance.

Acceptance is the key to saving us from all anxiety.

It gives us the grace we need to let go of where we have been, while releasing us from what we have to do. It is in these fleeting moments of acceptance that we can become the passengers on the train of life. With no control of the destination ahead and peace knowing that we are in good hands.

Imagine what that would feel like.

Perhaps we are dressed in our most comfortable cloths. Our shirt is soft and snug, hugging our bodies in a loving embrace, with pants that hang lazily on our hips. Our bellies are contentedly full as we sip on something warm and delicious. With no luggage to carry on this journey, the inviting cup in our hands is the only thing we need to cling to.

As the train dips in and out of tunnels, the sites passing by are neither thought-provoking or mind-numbing.

Nothing catches our eyes.

The images of life are just passing through us.

We feel no attachment or withdrawal, anger or bliss. We want time to neither speed up nor slow down. With our legs outstretched we allow our eye lids to fall peacefully closed while the corners of our mouths rise into a blissful smile.

In these brief moments we remember, that we are simply just a presence passing through and life is truly beautiful.

It was only the busy moments and the thoughts in our mind, that have been distracting us.

Write Back soon, Annie

Image: Pexels/Fabrizio Verrecchia


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