Life: A Game of Chess… You move, I Move

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So I am going to try this writing thing… You should see the look on people’s faces when I tell them I quit my job to follow my heart! Half of them look like they want to reach in their back pocket, pull out a 20-dollar bill and pat me on the back like, “Good luck kid.” The other half look at me like I’m crazy, but there is a small handful that look at me with inspiration and excitement.

I may fall flat on my face, but what if I don’t? What if listening to my heart actually gets me somewhere I could have never even imagined for myself. Maybe it has nothing even do with writing, but my writing is what gave me the courage to leave. I can honestly tell you I am not sure where this journey is leading me but I am going to follow.

For right now I am trying to finish up my last few days at my job. Saying goodbye to clients and co-workers while tying up loose ends. Making sure everything is in order for when I leave. Choking back any thoughts of regret or worry knowing that I have made the right decision. I know it is right, because the decision has already been made. I can sigh with relief knowing at least that part is over.

In the mean time I have stumbled across with the help of my friend Lauren. It is funny the way the universe works. You move and it moves. My turn to move again. In a nut shell they are an online magazine/community that pays its writers that get the most “movement” …likes, readers, views, etc. The good news is anyone can write to them and if their article gets chosen, they get published.

I figure this is a good way to get some exposure and see where it goes. Good news… the first article I submitted was excepted! What!? So it’s almost officially official… I’ll be a published author! Not even out of work yet!… Maybe it is just beginners luck, but perhaps not.

So that’s where I am at for now. Wednesday will be my last day at work and then the real journey begins! Keep you posted!

Write back soon, Love Annie

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7 thoughts on “Life: A Game of Chess… You move, I Move

  1. Congratulations !!!
    The 1st of many more to come!
    Every time I think how proud I am of you, you make me prouder!
    Love you,

  2. I know what you are going through, the fears,anxieties and doubts. I went through it 20 years ago when at 48 years old i sold my business and went to medical school. There were many obstacles along the way and you will come across some also. Don,t be brought down by them.
    Just stay focused on your goal and forge your way past them. You have the love and support of your family and friends to prop you up if you stumble. That’s all you need.
    ( plus a lot of praying)

    1. This means more to me then you know… And you are truly an inspiration to me and your family. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Xox
      And your right, prayers never hurt!

    1. Hey you! Thank you! I’m excited to see where it leads me too lol! Thank you for the visit, means a lot from a fellow blogger xox

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